
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Turbocharger Balancing

Turbocharger rotates at a huge speed (ex. MAN B&W N57 rotate at 15,000 rpm in full load condition). Vibration and lack of balance can lead to failure of bearing and cause turbine and compressor side damage.
For efficient operation it’s very important to balance TC properly.
Usually TC balanced at lower speed then the original speed and it doesn’t put any influence when rotate at high speed, because if the rotor unbalanced 5 milligram inches at 5000 rpm, it will be unbalanced same amount at 15000 rpm.

TC balancing machine
Usually a TC balancing machine designed and manufactured to balancing machines to detect minute unbalances in compressor and turbine wheels and core assemblies, both at low speeds of 5,000 rpm and at high speeds of 100,000 rpm.

Turbocharger balancing machine
Turbocharger balancing procedure

The measuring system is the heart of a balancing machine. Modern balancing machine content piezoelectric force-measuring transducers into a compact, high output, two-plane measuring table. This measuring table can be mounted in either a horizontal or a vertical configuration.

Properties/Parameters of TC balancing machine
·         High measuring accuracy and efficiency
·         Safe and simple handling 
·         Infinitely variable DC drive
·         Large weight range
·         Ergonomic working height
·         Balancing speed should be vary at lower to higher range.
·         Unbalanced product ratio: more than 90%
·         Min.achievable residual unbalance: less than 0.5


Q:What is the function of Locating Bearing in TC? 
 How to install turbine blade and its geometrical shape?

Please put your answer in comment section for discussion

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