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Fuel Oil Viscosity Controller Working Principle

The basic working principle of torsional vibration viscosity controller is the change of frequency due to the torsional vibration of damper by the movement of fluid.

Principle of Operation:
The operating principle of the sensor is that of a torsion pendulum. The sensor consists of a stainless-steel sensor head (1), attached to the base plate (20 by means of a tubular torsion spring (3).

Viscosity Sensor
 In the head, one pair of piezo elements (driver piezos)(4) actuates the pendulum at its torsional resonance frequency, while another pair of piezos detects the actual movement of the head.


  1. Thank you for sharing the information about Fuel Oil Viscosity Controller Working Principle. Diesel fuel suppliers in UAE

  2. Working principle of vibration viscosity controller is the change of frequency due to the torsional vibration of damper by the movement of fluid. best oil for cars
