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Exhaust gas boiler steam system (EGB)

A boiler is an enclosed vessel, provides a means for combustion heat to be transferred into water until it becomes heated steam. The steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. The function of a boiler in the steam cycle is to convert water into steam.

Flow Diagram
 Fig: Steam generation system in exhaust gas boiler

Exhaust gas boiler runs by the heat energy release from flue gas while passing different stages. If steam is not required, boiler entry way closed and a bypass line opened with the help of hydraulic leaver.From the top first stage is called durotar where water get heated and stored in durotar tank. Second stage used for producing low pressure steam. LP circulating pump used to circulate the steam from LP steam drum. LP steam use in different auxiliaries. Next two stages used to produce saturated steam. HP circulating pump used to circulate HP steam from steam drum to super heater where steam further heated to use in turbine.